
Summer Stuff @ the Library

So far we have scheduled:

Teen Knitting Group - Wednesdays from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Interested in stitching but not knitting? Bring whatever handiwork project you are working on and join us.

Generation to Generation: Teens Helping Seniors Learn Computer Skills - Call 610-446-3082 or stop by the Front Desk for an application.

Creature Feature Teen Summer Reading Club - May 22 - August 18. Read books, get prizes.
Dance Dance Revolution - June 24, 1:30 pm

Duct Tape Workshop - June 29, 2:00 pm

Dance Dance Revolution - July 15, 1:30 pm

Duct Tape Workshop - July 20, 2:00 pm

Dance Dance Revolution - August 5, 1:30 pm

Dance Dance Revolution - August 26, 1:30 pm


Anonymous said...

What do these programs cost? Do I have to sign up ahead of time?

HTFLteens said...

it's all free!!! It would be nice if you let us know which programs you're attending, but registration is not required.