
Harry-est Town in America?

How Harry is your town? You can find the answer in statistics tracked by Amazon.com. The "Harry-est Town in America" will be recognized as the city or town (with a population of more than 5000, based on U.S.-census data) that has pre-ordered the most copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from Amazon.

The winner will be announced soon after the witching hour of 11:59 PM (PDT) on July 15, 2007. As grand prize, Amazon.com will donate a $5000 Amazon.com gift certificate to a charitable organization of its choice that provides services in the Harry-est Town.

Rankings of the top 100 Harry-est Towns in America will be updated weekly on Amazon.com. Here is the list of this week's Top 10:

1. Falls Church, Va.
2. Fairfax, Va.
3. Gig Harbor, Wash.
4. Vienna, Va.
5. Katy, Tex.
6. Media, Pa.
7. Issaquah, Wash.
8. Doylestown, Pa.
9. Pembroke Pines, Fla.
10. Snohomish, Wash.

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