
Banned Books Quiz

This week from September 29th to October 6th, HTFL is celebrating your right to read by observing Banned Books Week! To celebrate this right we have put together a little quiz (that you can pick up here at HTFL) on how much you really know about banned books and here are the answers to that quiz:


To pick up this quiz and other fun banned books actives or get more info on Banned Books, stop in to HTFL all this week!


Enter the Strange Lands Correspondent Contest!

The Strange Lands Newsletter goes head to head with your favorite science fiction and fantasy authors! If you have what it takes to be a Strange Lands Correspondent you could win an exclusive interview with Amelia Atwater-Rhodes—author of the The Kiesha'ra series—and a trip to interview her at the New York City Comic-Con Convention in 2008!
Send in 10 questions that you would ask Amelia and explain in 200 words or less why you should be the first Strange Lands Correspondent! What you’ll win:A trip to New York City and a free pass to the Comic-Con Convention• Lunch with Amelia Atwater-Rhodes• A podcast of your interview published on Amelia’s web site at http://www.randomhouse.com/features/atwaterrhodes/index.html and in the Strange Lands Newsletter


Tune up your Cartooning

Do you like to doodle? Would you like to turn those scribbles into awesome cartoons; or just improve your skills? Well then by-golly you're in luck. The HTFL is running a Teen Cartooning Workshop. Starting on Monday, October 15th and every following monday at 4:30 till 6:00pm, these fun filled work shops will take place and will continue for six weeks. Participants must be 6th grade and up or 12 and older. Hope we've "drawn you in". : )


Super Smash Bros. Melee

Are you ready for a smashing good time?!? Well you're in luck because on September 29th from 1pm to 4pm, we're having another Super Smash Bros. Melee Tournament. Come and play and have a good time. Prizes will be awarded to the winner. You must bring a Nintendo Gamecube controller. Also , as always, we ask you to bring if possible a small television so participants are not waiting for others to finish to play. Other things that would be appreciated would be Gamecubes, extra controllers, Super Smash Bros. Melee games and memory cards. This event will be held in the Yellow Room.



The Anime Club

The first meeting of the Haverford Township Free Library's Anime Club was action packed this past Monday. Many exciting events and trips were planned for the coming months. The first event will be the club gracing all of Haverford Township by joining the HTFL by marching in the Haveford Township Day Parade in full Cos-Play Costume on Oct. 6. Also the possibility of taking trips to an upcoming anime convention, ZenKaiKon on Oct. 13, was also discussed.

To learn more about the club or to join; meetings are held every Monday and Wednesday at 3:30 in the HTFL's Board Room on the second floor. Meetings are open to all teens and anybody 6th grade and up.